2019-06-02 - Call Me Shirley


~7.2 mi @ ~14.2 min/mi

"I don't have a time thing," says Danger Man, i.e., no imminent appointments. "You mean a Watch?" - "Sir, surely you jest." - "Don't call me Shirley!" R-Squared and G-ji chuckle as Danger Man and Roadkill banter. Ken-Gar parking overflows with multiple groups gathering on a cool Sunday morning. We trot up- and down-stream, stepping aside for cyclists, pausing to visit with friends, sharing film/video series reviews, and striving not to compare ourselves to others when fit fleet-footed folk blast past.

"The dog-water tastes great, but I recommend against putting your lips to the pipe," Roadkill helpfully advises others who stop at a half-broken fountain. A commemorative towel from the Baltimore 10 Miler makes a Superhero-like cape for Danger Man, who ran that race yesterday. R-Squared is ramping up her mileage in anticipation of a fall marathon; G-ji is back from hiking in Costa Rica; Roadkill tries to live in the moment, with only momentary success.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-06-25